The Continuing story of travelling around different areas of Australia in a 1955 Morris Minor. There is some history, planning and photos from previous travels in the Morris, though mostly from the around Australia drive in 2014, and more recent trips.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
5 July 2014
Well as expected there was not a huge amount that was different on the way back to Alice Springs than what was there on the way down to Uluru, so other than to say that the car ran as always without fault I am not too sure what else I am able to add here. I could say that lately, well for the past few morning I have noticed that the Count is actually getting harder to start in the mornings, it has been easy as to start for the rest of the day and the power output from the alternator is fine, so I guess there is a possibility that the spark plugs are needing a looking at, or it may be that it is just a tad reluctant to start in the cold weather, it has been around -1 degree C, so it's possible though I would have thought that the new battery would be able to cope.
Anyway as there are no photos, I did stop to only take two, though neglected to notice at either time that I had forgotten to put the memory card back into the camera so those two photos went by the way side, here are a couple of videos from the GoPro of driving into Alice Springs this afternoon and also around the streets(to be loaded later as they take so long), they aren't very interesting but better than nothing.
Tomorrow is off back through Tennent Creek to see how far I get along the road to Darwin...
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