Righto, well this morning it was back in the car and off to Esperence, which was a 400 ish kilometre drive for the day and to be honest it just seemed to pass in no time at all. it is funny how some days the kilometres fly by and some days it really seems like a chore. Anyway this is going to be a quick one today as really there is nothing to tell. I stopped for fuel twice, because I like to have the tank mostly full when have a opportunity just in case the next place has run out or their fuses are blown and they can't pump (both have happened on this trip already) and to be honest I stopped once at a roadhouse and once in a small town that had nothing of interest that I could see on passing through so I just kept going. As such there are no photos of the trip and I managed to get to the accommodation for the night by 3:30 pm, so there was time to head out and have a look around town before night. I decided to find the Great Ocean Drive, which is supposed to loop back around past the pink lake and into town again, unfortunately as you can probably see from the pictures below that I found the Rotary lookout and managed to get along to the next beach but after that I gave up and came back to the hotel.

View back to town
You can see the storm rolling in
This is just before the storm hit so I headed back to town
So tomorrow is either stick about for a while and see the place if the weather improves, which I am hoping it does, before i head out to Norseman and maybe further on from there as it is only a 200 kilometre drive, or if it is still raining just head straight out and go to Norseman and look around before starting the drive across to the Nullabor, guess we'll see what happens...
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